Event Summary: First Annual SASSC 3 Minute Thesis Competition

The first annual SASSC 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition, hosted by the SAS Student Committee, took place on June 28th and was a huge success! This exciting event featured two groups of participants: PhD students and Postbaccalaureate/Masters students, with each participant delivering a compelling three-minute presentation on their research. Selected winners from each group were awarded Amazon gift cards, with $100 for first place, $50 for second place, and $25 for third place! Congratulations to the winners listed below:

PhD Group:

1.  Michaela Rice – Colorado State University
Presentation Title: Neural Correlates of Prospective Memory in College Students with Anxiety

2.  Ming Li: – Tsinghua University (X: @MingLi_THU)
Presentation Title: Deep Learning Model Reveals Infant-Caregiver Vocal-Emotional Alignment in Natural Interaction

3.  Yuanchao Li – University of Edinburgh
Presentation Title: Speech Emotion Recognition with Acoustic Foundation Models and LLMs

Postbaccalaureate/Masters Group:

1.  Kellyann Navarre – Cleveland State University
*  Presentation Title: Stigma and Internalization as Pathways to Suicide Vulnerability in a Borderline Personality Disorder Community Sample

2.  Ashley Humphries – University of Nebraska – Lincoln
*  Presentation Title: Intergenerational Transmission of Valence Bias

3.  Maddie Hammer – Washington University in St. Louis (X: @maddiehammerd)
*  Presentation Title: Not ‘Woman’ Enough? Exploring Feminist Allyship Through Implicit Race-Gender Associations

Congratulations again to all the winners and participants for their outstanding presentations at the 3MT. We look forward to seeing more innovative research and presentations in the future competitions!

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Statement on Science

Dear Members, Affective science has long played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of emotion, mental and...

Research Associate

As part of the Affective Science Laboratory in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State University, directed by...

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