SAS Listserv

The SAS Listserv has close to 400 members! Don’t forget to use it to share content of relevance to affect/emotion researchers, including:

  • Job ads
  • Training opportunities/workshops
  • Information about other conferences
  • Information about funding mechanisms
  • Recently published work
  • Special topics/calls for papers


Send your message for the listserv via email to

  • The listserv is moderated. All messages to the listserv must receive approval from a moderator before distribution (typically within 24hr).
  • Emails distributed to the listserv will not have your return name/email shown. If you want people to know who sent the message or how to contact you, make sure to put that information in the body of your email.
  • The moderator can only approve/reject messages; they cannot edit or remove content, so send your message exactly as you want it distributed (e.g., no notes to the moderator requesting it get sent out!).