Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Chair – Call for Nominations

The Society for Affective Science is accepting nominations (including self-nominations) for incoming Chair of the SAS Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The new Chair will work in partnership with current Chair Michelle “Lani” Shiota through the 2025 Annual Conference, then take over as Chair for a three-year term. The Chair leads a diverse committee of dedicated members, including liaisons from the Student Committee and Membership & Outreach Committee, in the following tasks:

  • Issuing an annual call for applications for SAS Diversity Travel Awards, reviewing submissions, and identifying recipients (in collaboration with Student Committee).
  • Organizing a diversity-themed science event (talk or symposium) for each Annual Conference, in cooperation with the Program Committee.
  • Developing and implementing new initiatives to increase the diversity of sociocultural perspectives represented in the SAS membership and the field of affective science.

The new chair will ideally already hold a faculty position and have experience applying for and receiving grants and funding for DEI-related programming and support. Nominations may be submitted via the google form below. Self-nominations should also include a current CV and a personal statement; the latter should summarize qualifications for the role, and articulate a vision for SAS DEI activities and initiatives during the three-year Chair term. Nominations are due by September 30.

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