Call for Abstract Reviewers

SAS is currently seeking reviewers to assist with the reviewing of the 2024 Conference abstract submissions, and is eager to involve reviewers from our existing SAS membership. The Society for Affective Science’s annual meeting will take place March 1-3, 2024, and the call for abstracts is closing on November 15.

If you have a doctorate or equivalent degree you are eligible! We hope you will join us and share your expertise with SAS. The abstract reviewers’ work and time requirements are relatively minimal, as only a couple of hours will be necessary.

If you are interested and available, please complete the Abstract Review Board form linked HERE by November 8, 2023.

Thank you again for your membership and consideration in joining our Abstract Review Board! For questions, please contact Sharon Zwack of Podium Conferences.

Jonas Everaert and Yael Millgram (Abstract Co-Chairs)
On behalf of the SAS Abstracts and Program Committee

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Issue 6 – Spotlight

Contributed by Angelina Sung, MS The Society for Affective Science Student Committee (SASSC) is dedicated to...

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