[av_heading heading=’‘Affective Science’ Editorial Board (2020)’ tag=’h2′ style=” subheading_active=” size=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” subheading_size=’15’ av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” color=” custom_font=” margin=” margin_sync=’true’ padding=’10’ link=’manually,http://’ link_target=” id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-ker2w04z’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]
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James Gross, PhD, Stanford University
Area(s): Clinical Psychology
Expertise: emotion regulation, self-control, individual differences
Robert W. Levenson, PhD, University of California Berkeley
Area(s): Clinical Psychology
Expertise: effects of healthy aging and neurodegenerative diseases on emotional functioning; close relationships; psychophysiology
Wendy Berry Mendes, PhD, University of California San Francisco
Area(s): Social Psychology; Health/Biological Psychology
Expertise: affect contagion, physiologic covariation, stigma/discrimination, intergroup interactions, bias, emotion and decision making, stress and health
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Associate Editors
Ralph Adolphs, PhD, Cal Tech
Area(s): Developmental Psychology
Expertise: daily stress processes; stress and health; adult development; work and family linkages; statistical techniques for measuring change
John J. B. Allen, PhD, University of Arizona
Area(s): Clinical Psychology, Psychophysiology
Expertise: risk for and mechanisms of psychopathology, development of novel and neurally-informed treatments for mood and anxiety disorders
David M. Almeida, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
Area(s): Developmental Psychologist
Expertise: behavior and social intelligence of primates, animal behavior, empathy and cooperation, inequity aversion, social cognition
Phoebe Ellsworth, PhD, University of Michigan
Area(s): Social Psychology, Law and Psychology
Expertise: Cognition-emotion relationships, appraisal theories, cultural similarities and differences, emotions in legal contexts
Ruth Feldman, PhD, Interdisciplinary Center Herzlia; Yale Child Study Center
Area(s): Developmental Social Neuroscience
Expertise: emotional development, biobehavioral synchrony, resilience, parent-child relations, neurobiology of attachment
Eli J. Finkel, PhD, Northwestern University
Area(s): Social Psychology
Expertise: interpersonal attraction, marriage, conflict resolution, politics
Pete Gianaros, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Area(s): Health/Biological Psychology
Expertise: psychological stress and physical health, socioeconomic status, autonomic and cardiovascular psychophysiology, health inequalities, health neuroscience
Alicia Grandey, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Area(s): Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Expertise: interpersonal interactions, self-control, employee’s experience of stress and emotion, emotional labor, organizational justice, diversity
Jonathan Gratch, PhD, University of Southern California
Area(s): Computer Science, Psychology
Expertise: virtual reality, computational models, cognitive processes underlying emotion, influence of emotion on decision-making and behavior
Lasana Harris, PhD, University College London
Area(s): Social Psychology; Social Neuroscience
Expertise: intergroup dynamics, prejudice, social perception, social cognition, causal cognition, risk perception, forecasting, and decision-making
Tristen Inagaki, PhD, San Diego State University
Area(s): Social Affective Neuroscience; Social Psychology; Health/Biological Psychology
Expertise: social connection, close relationships, social support and health, social pharmacology, health neuroscience
Rachael Jack, PhD, University of Glasgow
Area(s): Vision Science, Social Perception
Expertise: Facial expressions, culture, psychophysics, social communication, data-driven methods
Nataria Joseph, PhD, Pepperdine University
Area(s): Health Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Expertise: emotion and biomarkers, stress and health, social adversity and health, ecological momentary assessment
Elizabeth Kensinger, PhD, Boston College
Area(s): Cognitive Neuroscience
Expertise: adult lifespan/aging, memory, attention, neuroimaging
Michael Kraus, PhD, Yale University
Area(s): Social Psychology; Organizational Psychology
Expertise: economic inequality, social class, racism, bias and accuracy in social perception, nonverbal
Jennifer Lerner, PhD, Harvard University
Area(s): Social Psychology
Expertise: Judgement and decision-making, leadership, accountability on decision-making, social policy, inequality
Kristen Lindquist, PhD, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Area(s): Social Psychology, Social Affective Neuroscience
Expertise: facial expressions, structure of affect, neural networks, neuroimaging, social cognition, constructivist approaches
Katie McLaughlin, PhD, Harvard University
Area(s): Clinical Psychology; Epidemiology
Expertise: neural and behavioral development in children and adolescents; stress and trauma, psychopathology
Matthew Nock, PhD, Harvard University
Area(s): Clinical Psychology
Expertise: interventions, aggressive behavior, psychopathology, self-control, personality disorder, self-harm, suicide
Shigehiro Oishi, PhD, Columbia University
Area(s): Social/Personality Psychology; Cultural Psychology
Expertise: happiness, social ecology, cross-cultural differences
Nnamdi Pole, PhD, Smith College
Area(s): Clinical Psychology
Expertise: psychological trauma, culture, psychotherapy
Seth Pollak, PhD, University of Wisconsin Madison
Area(s): Developmental Psychology; Anthropology; Affective Neuroscience
Expertise: childhood development, emotion learning, childhood stress/adversity, emotional development
Disa Sauter, PhD, University of Amsterdam
Area(s): Social Psychology; Cultural Psychology
Expertise: nonverbal communication, cultural similarities and differences, positive emotions
Renee J. Thompson, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Area(s): Clinical Psychology
Expertise: affective dynamics, emotional awareness, emotion regulation, depression, ambulatory assessment
Jessica Tracy, PhD, University of British Columbia
Area(s): Social/Personality Psychology
Expertise: self-conscious emotions, self-esteem/narcissism, distinct emotions, nonverbal communication, dominance and status hierarchies, moral behavior
Frans de Waal, PhD, Emory University
Area(s): Primatologist; Ethologist
Expertise: behavior and social intelligence of primates, animal behavior, empathy and cooperation, inequity aversion, social cognition