Welcome to the 6th issue of the SAS Newsletter!

The Society for Affective Science (SAS) is delighted to share its fifth Newsletter. The January issue includes conference announcements, updates on the society Journal, and a spotlight on our President. This is an initiative of the SAS Membership and Outreach Committee.

Get in Touch!

Do you have ideas for an upcoming SAS Newsletter? Want to feature your research or the research of another scientist? Click to let us know via our feedback form.

Conference Report

What an amazing time we had together this year – again in person, 459 attendees taking in the latest and greatest in affective science, the sights, sounds, and flavors of New Orleans, and (of course) each other’s company.



Society for Affective Science Student Committee Spotlight

What an amazing time we had together this year – again in person, 459 attendees taking in the latest and greatest in affective science, the sights, sounds, and flavors of New Orleans, and (of course) each other’s company.


Science Feature

Exploring the Neuroscience of Ambivalent Affect: Science Spotlight on 2024 Best Dissertation in Affective Science Award Winner Dr. Anthony Gianni Vaccaro

What an amazing time we had together this year – again in person, 459 attendees taking in the latest and greatest in affective science, the sights, sounds, and flavors of New Orleans, and (of course) each other’s company.


2024 Member Survey

2024 SAS Member Survey

We are excited to have launched the 2024 SAS Member survey; this is a friendly reminder to please complete by Wednesday, July 31st!

Link to survey: https://asu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9KtM575Cgl7ENFA

Participating in this ~5-minute survey helps SAS shape member resources and offerings for the coming year and beyond, and is rewarded with the option to enter a drawing for a gift card.

Any questions? Contact Stephanie Carpenter at stephanie.m.carpenter@asu.edu.

SASC 3MT Competition

Winners of the First SASSC 3MT Competition

The Society for Affective Science Student Committee (SASSC) held its first 3-minute thesis (3MT) competition on June 28th and it was a huge success!

Two separate groups competed – PhD students and postbacs/Masters students – with 1st- ($100), 2nd- ($50), and 3rd-place ($25) prizes for each in the form of Amazon gift cards. Congratulations to the winners!


  1. Michaela Rice, Colorado State University: “Neural Correlates of Prospective Memory in College Students with Anxiety”
  2. Ming Li, Tsinghua University: “Deep Learning Model Reveals Infant-Caregiver Vocal-Emotional Alignment in Natural Interaction”
  3. Yuanchao Li, University of Edinburgh: “Speech Emotion Recognition with Acoustic Foundation Models and LLMs”


  1. Kellyann Navarre, Cleveland State University: “Stigma and Internalization as Pathways to Suicide Vulnerability in a Borderline Personality Disorder Community Sample”
  2. Ashley Humphries, University of Nebraska – Lincoln: “Intergenerational Transmission of Valence Bias”
  3. Maddie Hammer, Washington University in St. Louis: “Not ‘Woman’ Enough? Exploring Feminist Allyship Through Implicit Race-Gender Associations”

SAS Listserv

The SAS Listserv has close to 400 members! Don’t forget to use it to share content of relevance to affect/emotion researchers, including:

*    Job ads
*    Training opportunities/workshops
*    Information about other conferences
*    Information about funding mechanisms
*    Recently published work
*    Special topics/calls for papers

Keep in mind that emails are sent out:
If you want people to know who sent the message or how to contact you, make sure to put that information in the body of your email.
…as is: No notes to the listserv moderator, please


Posting to the listserv is easy! Once subscribed, simply email affectscience@simplelists.com


Questions or Suggestions?

For SAS 2024 conference related questions, please contact the Program Co-Chairs, Erik Nook at enook@princeton.edu and Sa-Kiera Hudson at sa.kiera.hudson@berkeley.edu.

For more updates, follow us on Twitter (@affectScience), and join the SAS Listserv!

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