President Elect Voting Open!

On behalf of the SAS Executive Committee, we are pleased to announce that we have identified two outstanding candidates to run for the open leadership position of President-Elect of SAS. You may read about each candidate’s past experiences in affective science and SAS here, alongside their visions for our Society’s future. SAS members will be invited in an upcoming email to cast their vote. As an expression of our collective gratitude for these candidates’ willingness to volunteer their time and energy toward the continued growth and improvement of our Society, we encourage all members to vote.

*Please note that voting closes on March 18th, 2022 at 5:00pm EDT.


Barbara L. Fredrickson, SAS Past-President 2021-2022
Paula Niedenthal, SAS Past-President, 2020-2021

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Statement on Science

Dear Members, Affective science has long played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of emotion, mental and...

Research Associate

As part of the Affective Science Laboratory in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State University, directed by...

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