2025 Pre-conference Workshops
SAS is pleased to announce Pre-Conference Workshops will be presented at the SAS 2025 Conference taking place in Portland, Oregon. All workshops will take place on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at the Hilton Portland Downtown.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Workshop 1: Clinical Affective Science Pre-Conference (NEW)
Chairs: Lisa Starr (University of Rochester) and Vera Vine (Queen’s University)
How can studying emotion processes help us better understand the nature and treatment of psychopathology? The inaugural SAS preconference on Clinical Affective Science will explore the vibrant, emerging area of research at the intersection of affective science and clinical science. Featuring invited talks and panels, submitted posters and flash talks, and networking opportunities, the event will bring together scholars at all career stages to articulate the goals and boundaries of this growing subfield.
Accepting poster and flash talk submissions
Workshop 2: Emotion Regulation Pre-Conference
Chairs: Emily Willroth (Washington University in St. Louis), Brett Q. Ford (University of Toronto), and Katie Greenaway, (University of Melbourne)
The Emotion Regulation Pre-Conference will feature emotion regulation research (broadly defined) from various disciplines and topics, consider emotion regulation from different perspectives, and share exciting new findings and methods. This year’s program will feature an early career researcher data blitz, an invited session on ecological momentary assessment methods, and multiple invited sessions on applications of emotion regulation research to pressing societal issues. Our goal is to have fun, build connections among those interested in emotion regulation (faculty, post-docs, students), and share ideas about new directions in emotion regulation research.
Accepting flash talk submissions from early career researchers (i.e., graduate students and individuals who received their PhD in the past 5 years).
Workshop 3: Positive Emotion Pre-Conference
Chairs: Hooria Jazaieri (Santa Clara University) and Kunalan Manokara (Duke University)
This in-person pre-conference aims to showcase recent advances in the field of positive emotions. The day will feature a keynote presentation by Prof. Jeanne Tsai, and also include five invited talks from established scholars of varied research traditions (i.e., individual well-being, interpersonal communication, intergroup processes). In addition to an interactive poster session, this pre-conference will also spotlight a series of flash talks that highlight the role of positive emotions in a range of contexts (i.e., organizational, educational, clinical). Attendees can submit abstracts to present a flash talk or a poster, with the chance to win a Best Poster or Best Flash Talk award. There will be opportunities to socialize and meet fellow positive affective scientists, including during the planned networking breaks and in-person poster session.
Accepting poster and flash talk submissions