Clinical Research Associate I

The Clinical Health, Emotion, and Neuroscience (CHEN) Laboratory at the Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Nebraska Medical Center is recruiting a full-time Clinical Research Associate (in-person) to study emotion and social connectedness in persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Particularly, this position will focus on our ongoing research using in-home technologies (e.g., wearables, smart-home devices) and virtual assessments (e.g., Zoom interviews, “tele-lab”) to study how urban and rural persons with dementia and their family caregivers are interpersonally connected in their emotions, behaviors, autonomic nervous responses, and language, and how these connections affect their health and disease progression. The hire will also work with our collaborators in other research institutions and the industry. A background in psychology, computer science, information and data science, engineering, and/or biomechanics is preferred. People with diverse cultural or ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Our lab also conducts laboratory-based behavioral and neuroimaging research (MRI/EEG/MEG), which can also be a part of this position — if the new hire is interested in getting involved.

For more information email Dr. Kuan-Hua Chen at

The application is available at

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Issue 6 – Spotlight

Contributed by Angelina Sung, MS The Society for Affective Science Student Committee (SASSC) is dedicated to...

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